martes, 26 de abril de 2016

avira escaner scancl-win32 por linea de comando

avira escaner scancl-win32 por linea de comando

System Requirements.
-Operating system: Windows (NT or newer), Linux.
-RAM: 128 MB, HDD: 30 MB

Actualizar motor escaner .... ...  martes 26 - abril (4) - 2016 revisado; aun el mismos motor.
Avira (engine scan) windows32b ScanCL Version    3.98MB ---> scancl.exe  340.3K  19/06/2013
Download it from here
... utilities   ->   Avira Command Line Scanner ScanCL

Actualizar definiciones de virus - base de datos .... martes 26 - abril (4) - 2016; nuevo    141.60 MB    58-archivos  
Engine set -- VDF version
Direct link:

licencias soportadas por Avira scancl.exe: Avira Professional Security, Avira Antivirus Premium, Avira Internet Security. Gogleando se consigen gratix ...
hbevd.key valida hasta el sep. 17 2020 .... avira_internet_security_2020_09_17.key

todo se extrae en la misma carpeta (ejm  AV-AVIRA)... Listo ....

Archivo bat para agregar a la carpeta (ejm AV-AVIRA) y escanear archivos.
en notepaq copiar y nombrar ... AV-AviraScancl.bat
colocar en "enviar a" con boton derecho
crear acceso directo   AV-AviraScancl.bat
@echo off
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO CORRIENDO ANALISIS ESPERE ...............................................
scancl %* --scaninarchive --withtype=all --heurlevel=1 --defaultaction=ask
ECHO -------------------------------------------------------------------------

otras opciones.  The command syntax is: scancl [path to scan] [options]
--allfiles Scan all files.
--smartextensions Scan all files.
--allboot Scan all boot records. Default option.
--alldrives Scan all drives (Windows only).
--allhard Scan all hard disks (Windows only).
--boot=<str> Scan the boot record of the given drive.
--defaultaction=<str> Set the action for infected files. Default: ignore.
You can use more than one action. For example: --defaultaction=repair,delete
Note. delete-archive (for ZIP, ARJ, RAR etc.) and delete will delete ONLY the mentioned type:
archives OR regular files, respectively.
--fixallboot Fix all boot records.
--fixboot=<str> Fix the boot record of the given drive.
--heurlevel=<N> Set heuristics level. Available levels: 0= off, 1=low,...., 3=high. Default: 0.
--recursion Scan recursively from the current level. Default option.
--noarchive Do not scan inside archives. Default setting.
--nolinks Do not follow symbolic links. Default: follow symbolic links.
--renameext=<str> Change the extension of infected files.
Example: to rename as   --renameext=mov
--scaninarchive Extract and scan files in archives. Not activated by default
--showall Display detailed information during the scanning process.
--suspiciousaction=<str>  Set the action for suspicious files.
You can use more than one action. For example: --suspiciousaction=repair,move
--withtype=<type> Detect other (non-virus, but unwanted) software. Available values:
The following types are detected by default: dial,adspy,adware,bdc,hiddenext,phish
--config=<filename> You can edit the configuration file "scancl.conf" included in the installation directory, or you
can create a new .conf file altogether.

List of actions for concerning files .............................................
clean. Repair the infected or suspicious files.
move. Move the infected or suspicious files to the quarantine.
rename. Change the extension of the infected or suspicious files.
delete. Delete infected or suspicious (regular) files.
delete-archive. Delete infected or suspicious archives of type: zip, arj, rar, etc.
delete-mailbox. Delete infected or suspicious mailbox files (mbox,Thunderbird, Mozilla, etc)
disarm. Make the locked file ineffective.
ignore. Take no action. (Default setting)
ask. Prompt the user to select an action: 1 Move, 2 Rename, 3 Delete file, 4 Ignore
and to specify if this action should apply to:
  1. This file only
  2. All files infected with <virus>
  3. All infected files.

The status of a file can be .......................................................
clean -The file is not infected.
infected -The scanner detected an infection.
suspicious -The heuristic algorithm detected a possible infection.
repaired -The scanner removed the infection and repaired the file.
moved -The scanner moved the file to quarantine.
renamed -The scanner added a specific extension to the concerning file.
deleted -The scanner deleted the file.
ignored -The scanner took no action.

Default options scancl ..........................................................
--recursion --heurlevel=0 --allboot --defaultaction=ignore
--allboot (Windows only) --noarchive --suspiciousaction=ignore
--follow symbolic links --withtype=dial,adspy,adware,bdc,hiddenext,phish
--Scan using smart extensions.
--Scan all file systems
--No extract and scan files in archives
--show only infected or suspicious files.
--Default quarantine: $(bindir)/quarantine
--Directory for temporary files: %TEMP% or $TEMP

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